Choosing Your Visiting Nurse Agency

There are several things to consider when choosing a visiting nurse agency. This article will explain the process of choosing a visiting nurse agency and what to look for in one. Hopefully this will help you make the right choice. Keep reading for some tips on choosing a visiting nurse agency. Listed below are some of the things to consider when choosing a visiting nurse agency. Choosing a visiting nurse agency is a big decision for you, so here are some tips to help you decide on which one to hire.

Questions to ask a visiting nurse agency

If you’re considering hiring a visiting nurse agency, there are several questions to ask. For example, ask the agency how they handle complaints and if they have an in-house complaint department. Lastly, ask how you can contact the staff or case manager if you have concerns about a visit. Do you have to be present during the visit? Some agencies require a parent to be at home during the visit, but if you’d rather not be there, this can be arranged.

One of the most important questions to ask a visiting nurse agency is how much supervision they provide. How often do they visit the home and talk to their caregivers? And what happens if something goes wrong? Are you going to be alone or will there be a supervisor with you to answer questions? All these questions are important. You should be able to trust a visiting nurse agency if they have a competent supervisor on call.

Cost of a visiting nurse agency

To analyze cost variations across agencies, we compared average visits and the percentage of private patients served by visiting nurse services. We also considered geographic variations in regional income and demographic characteristics. Using a survey of visiting nurse agencies in Connecticut, we identified five HSA regions and four geographic subgroups. For example, we identified agencies that belong to a Visiting Nurse Association or Public Health Nursing Department. Both types of agencies are expected to charge more for their services, so we focused on the largest seven.

Although this comparison is not ideal, it still helps to understand the differences between agencies and their services. Although the VCSN does not charge for the first hour of assessment, after that, follow-up visits cost $60/HR. They cannot stay for more than two hours in any one visit. Their travel time is billed at $30 per hour, based on the distance between Arden Wood and their destination. They also bill for nursing supplies, such as diapers, wipes, and shampoo. The agency will send you a monthly bill.

What to look for in a visiting nurse agency

When choosing a visiting nurse agency, you must know the qualifications of their staff. Your home health care provider may include a registered nurse, speech therapist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, nutritionist, social worker, or even a home health aide. You should also check their credentials and check if they have undergone background checks. Check the agency’s references, as well. Also, check if they have any quality improvement programs or accreditation.